Portfolio Categories: Artists.

Born in Barcelona in 1971, Pep Bofill has always been surrounded by art. He later trained in sculpture, drawing, painting and digital art.
He creates photos and digital drawings on resin, perspex and acrylic. These materials create an imagination that propels the human condition into a parallel universe, between the real and the virtual.
These works have been exhibited in European art fairs such as Paris, Lille, Cologne, Copenhagen and Stockholm, international galleries and foundations such as the Said Tlemcami gallery in Casablanca, the Alba Cabrera gallery in Valencia, and the Schortgen gallery in Luxenbourg. In 2005 Pep was a finalist for the Vilacasas Foundation prize and his work is part of the foundation collection.

The purified compositions of Pep Bofill reveal the evocative power of graphics and semantic codes of virtual animation.
The moving shadows are stripped of their recreational aspect, their ambiguous aura wanders in large urban areas, it fluctuates between the calm access to the artificial space and the angst which brings alienation.
The emotional contrast is accentuated by the game of empty vs full and an almost desaturated colour palette, enhanced by mysterious coloured dots.